Florida A&M University Center for Cybersecurity (FCCS)

National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair (09-27-2024)

The National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center and the Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cybersecurity Community are hosting the eighth annual National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair.

National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair - Students and Alumni Register now!
National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair Flyer
National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair Flyer


FAMU’s Center for Cyber Security (FCCS) Re-designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence

(June 2022)

FCCS, hosted within FAMU's Department of Computer and Information Sciences (CIS), has been re-designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the validated program of study (Cybersecurity Certificate) through the academic year 2027.

FAMU has held the following designations:

• In 2012, FAMU was designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE-IAE) and held that designation through 2017.

• In 2017, FAMU was designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD).

This program aims to contribute to the protection of the National Information Infrastructure by promoting higher education and addressing the critical shortage of professionals with cybersecurity skills.

The (CIS) faculty members who worked directly on the artifacts needed for this redesignation were: Dr. Mkpong-Ruffin, Mr. Jon deGoicoechea, Ms. Edwina Jacobs, and Dr. Deidre Evans.

Idongesit Mkpong-Ruffin, an associate professor in the CIS department and director of FCCS, says, "It should be noted that this designation is a university-wide designation, and it was made possible not only by the faculty and staff of CIS, but also faculty from: College of Allied Health (Dr. Lon'Tejuana Cooper), Department of Criminal Justice (Dr. Felecia Dix-Richardson) and the School of Business and Industry, (Dr. Jason Black); and the support of the dean of the College of Science and Technology (Dr. Richard Alo), the university's IT team (Mr. Robert Seniors, Mr. Robert Stoner, Mr. Gregory Speights ), and the Provost, Dr. Maurice Eddington and President of the University, Dr. Larry Robinson. Protecting our nation's security infrastructure is a national strategic initiative, and it is exciting to see that FAMU is continuing in its quest for excellence in this significant area."


Center for Cybersecurity

The Florida A&M University Center for Cybersecurity (FCCS) recognizes that as technology advances and the world becomes more and more computer oriented, the tasks of Cyber Defense (CD) and Information Assurance (IA) becomes progressively more challenging. FCCS focuses on education, research and development for all aspects of information security, including systems vulnerability assessment, theory development and formalization methodologies, and mobile computing. FCCS is aligned with Florida A&M University values and supportive of the Florida A&M University mission to:

  • Help students realize their educational goals.
  • Provide intellectual challenges and undergraduate research opportunities.
  • Value and promote teaching, scholarship, and active learning.
  • Encourage experimentation, innovation, and creativity.

FCCS represents a response to a national need. Former President Obama stated in his Cybersecurity Legislative Proposal that "cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation." [Cybersecurity Legislative Proposal, May 12, 2011]





CAE Image




Cybersecurity Certificate/Minor in Cybersecurity

Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) - Since [2010]
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The Florida A&M University Center for Cybersecurity
1333 Wahnish Way
308-A Banneker Technical Bldg.
Tallahassee, Florida 32307